In head and neck cancer post surgery, often you are only able to eat on one side for awhile to avoid biting your flap. Also being on puree for an extended period means you are not exercising your jaw muscles as you would normally. This can sometimes result in the jaw going out which is the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) and it can be incredibly painful. It hurts to yawn, cough, eat and muscular pain can extend over your head.
The TMJ is the hinge joint between the temporal bone and the lower jaw located just in front of your ear. The TMJ can also go out by crunching on a hard food such as chocolate, grinding your teeth so is not only in head and neck cancer patients.
After my jaw went out and I had to revert back to puree, I found these exercises really helped me and now I am back to pain free jaw movement and jaw extension to three fingers. Before doing any exercise consult your doctor and make sure your jaw muscles are warm.
Stay Positive!